1 definition by Tlahuiltzin

Horrible little desert turd town in California that rests above the flames of hell. It is considered the Alabama of Los Angeles County with possibly the highest number of working class Republicans outside of the South per capita.

If you are young, grew up in Lancaster, and you never left then you probably never went to college (AVC and the CSU Bakersfield extension campus don't count), you are probably married to an army guy, you probably are an army guy, and you most likely have 3 kids by now and you're only 24.

If you are young and you managed to escape this godforsaken place it won't be long before the AV Vortex (Antelope Valley Vortex) sucks you back in and you are forced to work here and live here FOREVER AND EVER AND EVER!!!

Lancaster is riddled with Wal-Mart and crystal meth.
"Hi, I live in Lancaster and my favorite hang out places are Wal-Mart and Movies 12 (the dollar theater). My neighbor makes crystal meth and I am 24 years old and have 4 kids and I never went to college."
by Tlahuiltzin October 17, 2008
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