2 definitions by Thic.jonney


The lack of having maidens.

Widely popularized by the game Elden Ring.
Don’t hate me cause I’m not Maidenless Maybe if you got rid of that old yee yee ass haircut, you'd get some Maidens on yo dick. Oh, better yet, maybe Tanisha'll call your dog ass if she stops fuckin' with that brain surgeon or lawyer she fucking with. Tarniiissshed
by Thic.jonney March 9, 2022
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River don’t mean a Asian car or cars with body parts. A ricer is a person who drives a slow car and runs a 500$ spoiler because it looks cool.
basically they make car look cool but do nothing to the actual vehicle.
Mike-This fire sticker on my car adds 50hp!
Me-shut up ricer
by Thic.jonney August 8, 2021
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