5 definitions by TheUnderdoggsReturn

A comic industry and production studio made by Sean Cook. It started around 2002 with the lineup consisting of,

Sean Cook: Animation
Oscar Bole: Story
Kadir Halil-Shah: Art Supervisor
Ed Sparrow: Story Supervisor

Since then the lineup has changed to 2 people and is sometimes referred to by more serious enthusiasts as MantisJD comics since it teamed up with JD comics. The lineup is

Sean Cook: Story
Rory Donaldson: Art

Rory Donaldson is the creator of JD comics.

Mantis has produced various graphic novels ranging from heavy violence to comedy. Some of these are:

Carnage Comix

Dark Path

Funny Dude, Weird Dude, and Dasder (he appears in the later comics)


Over the rain

Stick Mafia

Also recently mantis comics have turned themselves towards animations
go to www.mantis-comics.com for more info

mantis comics inc.
by TheUnderdoggsReturn April 6, 2009
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Jingle bells reversed is a prank flash animation designed to scare the viewer. It was one of the first to appear on the internet and was created by Mr. Moe, the designer of www.funnypart.com

On the original version on funnypart, before the video is played, a warning message is shown saying it is not suitable for minors of children with heart conditions. Then it brings up a sound track and a play button and tells the viewer to play the section of jingle bells. It plays as expected. Then the sound track visually flips revealing the audio track from the other side. It states that you should turn up the volume for best results. It plays backwards but when the indicator reaches near the end, a picture of Mr. Moe the creator making a face as if he is screaming in negative is shown first. There is a split second pause before a loud and piercing scream is heard.

The scream then echoes away and a message is shown saying "did you get the message? yes, I am a bastard"

This has been widely discussed as being upsetting and distasteful as a prank and was eventually taken down from the website
"have you seen this thing"
"no, what is it"
"it is jingle bells played in reverse"
"jingle bells reversed?"
"ye give it a try"
"tum tee tum too tee tum too"
Now hear it backwards"
"oot mut eet oot mut eet mut AHHHHHH!!!!!!"
"lol u son of a bitch"
by TheUnderdoggsReturn April 20, 2009
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Ova Daya! was shouted by Luigi from the TV show "Super Mario brothers" It sticks in your head as soon as you hear it for undefined reasons but it is so cute and cuddly when he says it!!!
"Oh my God at night luigi came into my room with a shotgun and said Ova Daya! I loled"
by TheUnderdoggsReturn February 2, 2009
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Kikia is a flash animation that was originally posted on an unkown chinese forum by the user "Netspooky". It originally stated that it was a prank "screamer" and was meant to be used as a chain email. People were curious about it and watched it. The movie plays like this:

Panel 1: An animated boy is sitting on a poorly drawn grass field looking up at the sky. Some Taiwanese characters are printed as if they are being typed out. This lasts for about 2 or 3 seconds.

Panel 2: The boy is standing in a poorly drawn market place and looking up at the sky more Taiwanese appears in the same way. 2 or 3 seconds.

The screamer: After the last part a white screen flashes and a face in night vision appears leaning towards the camera. The face can be clearly seen to be animated, because the face is from a video game called Fatal Frame II. A distorted scream can be heard for a short while.

KIKIA appears in yellow letters afterwards in an eerie fashion. It ends.

Most people think that kikia is incredibly scary, but to be honest, its prettey amateur. The potential "shock" is not there as the face slowly appears rather than in a startling fashion. So don't be too afraid to watch it.
It's eerie, but not that scary to watch kikia
by TheUnderdoggsReturn November 7, 2009
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