2 definitions by TerribleTerd

When a person or company buys a very expensive and highly engineered product that blows up. Like a passenger airplane, satellite or rocket.
When person has died because of an aerospace company.
Paying 10x the advertised price for something that arrives 5 years late and doesn't work.
Luke asks "Hey Claudia, does your Direct TV work? Claudia replies " Nope sure doesn't. They got Boeinged, the satellite blew up."

Jane text her husband on his business trip. He doesn't answer and she starts to worry the he is cheating on her. She decides to watch TV.

She sees the evening news and definitely knows he is not cheating. He was Boeinged. His plane crashed.....
by TerribleTerd January 24, 2020
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Something one says before committing an armed robbery. Generally right before chambering a round and removing the safety. It raises the adrenaline level and focus's the mind on the task at hand.
Yo dog! Let's get this bread!!!
by TerribleTerd December 28, 2019
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