4 definitions by Teraknor

When you both remember and cannot remember if you have done something. The state of being unsure if it is a false memory or a factual experience.
Schroedinger to Heisenberg; darn your uncertainty principle, I am having a quantum brain fart trying to remember if I did (or did not) put the cat in the box.
by Teraknor November 5, 2015
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When attending a meeting so bad, dire or tiresome that an inner urge to issue profanities spills over into your exchange with colleagues or meeting obsessed morons.
Chair : and now shall we proceed on to any other business?
You : what the **** have we been ******* for the last two hours, I am wasting my ******* life here
Chair : you have Meeting Tourettes, please **** off
by Teraknor January 27, 2014
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Someone who believes anything they read online, before intelligently fact checking it for sense, validity or lack of tosh.
Wow, you posted that tosh! What an utter digital imbecile.
by Teraknor March 27, 2020
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A useful mental resource, engaged when idiots are attempting to fill your brain with pointless crap (for example when a politician speaks).
Picard: Data, the Ferengi are at it again, time to engage the Bullshit Deflectors.
by Teraknor January 12, 2016
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