6 definitions by Telshak7648


When the bullet shoots the gun at you
Steve just died from recoil
by Telshak7648 May 18, 2019
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Area 51

The place where we're all gonna get pet spacey bois on september 20th
Except if we all get killed by area 51 guards named kyle
by Telshak7648 July 17, 2019
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A term that was built by Dr Doofenschmirtz
by Telshak7648 June 2, 2019
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That thing that keeps you humble and always down to earth
Gravity is good
by Telshak7648 May 21, 2019
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1) A smart af guy who knows they the shit

Eg. Yooo Sabrina just got 100%

2) The light that gives you your knowledge
Eg Steve: What was Einstein IQ again?
Logan: Like 160
Steve: that guy must have had hella nagmar!
by Telshak7648 May 18, 2019
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