13 definitions by Taryn

Saffa is a term used for South African immigrants taking over a country (usually London)
by Taryn April 16, 2004
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To stab someone with a suitably sharp object but in a harmless way.
I Sgarp your shoe into the ground.
by Taryn July 31, 2004
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Taryn + Jer = Indigestion, HMS Indigestion is basically the One True Pairing's name.
Omg, HMS Indigestion is my OTP!
by Taryn March 29, 2005
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Supposedly comes from People of her majesty the Queen.
Meaning English people living in Britain
Here come the pommies
by Taryn April 16, 2004
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a gender specific walk led by the penal region, often appears that the walker is being pulled by his penis toward others.
Dude, John Doe was doing the penis walk all day today! Do you think he needs to get some?
by Taryn November 20, 2003
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