8 definitions by Tarrabyte

A person who is only sexually and romantically attracted to people with tattoos.
"I was at the tattoo parlour today getting some ink when this babe covered from her neck to her feet in ink. I can say she is so inksexual"
by Tarrabyte October 12, 2018
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1. An overweight transexual.

2. A person is transitioning to being fat for life.
1. "Did you see Samantha? she's trans-fat"
2. "Rob thinks it's a good idea to be trans-fat for the rest of his life cause food is better than love"
by Tarrabyte November 4, 2018
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•A term that originated on 4chan by the anons who referred to people coming from the site Newground.com
New - The first word of Newgrounds
Fag - A derogatory term used on gay people or in general term used on people who are acting stupid but want to use a more hateful slang term.

•Newfag also refers to people who are new to anything, primarily 4chan or an imageboard. Not knowing the ways of how the site is ran and associated with. The term is commonly used for those acting out as a special snowflake.

Newfag - a general internet slang term for new people to something in general.

Other words associated with Newfag are:

"Oh god, we have a newfag here with us on /b/ again. Go back to tumblr you special Snowflake"
"Jimmy is a fucking newfag from hell. He goes to Newgrounds all the time"
"What's with all he newfags on tumblr? Is it really that bad?"
"God damn, you can't play Splatoon for shit; What a newfag!"
"Are you a newfag? You should know how Apple only wants to take your money. Like they care about you as a person!"
by Tarrabyte July 31, 2016
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A person who takes Nintendo's Splatoon series way to serious. A person who has over 1500 hours logged on their Wii U or Nintendo Switch.
"Mark has over 2000 hours on his Switch. The dude doesn't sleep. All he does is play Splatoon. Mark is a Splatfag"
by Tarrabyte March 24, 2018
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When you sit in a park and eat bread. Preferably hot!
Game Grumps Kitty love ep
"It's when you sit in the park and eat bread. Buttering the week!" — Dan
by Tarrabyte November 15, 2018
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A femchild is the opposite sex definition of a Manchild.

These women often become upset when they do not get their way. A woman that thinks every post on social media from a friend is about her. These women are the type of people who become upset if you're not talking about them. If the conversation doesn't have at least 1 story about them, they become distant and annoyed.
"Jullie got upset when we went to the shoe store and they were out of the shoes she wanted and pitched a fit. She hated the fact that we didn't talk about her problems right away. Julie is a real Femchild"
by Tarrabyte March 24, 2018
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Poke•man - A common misspelling or saying by people who do not know what Pokemon is or a way of being a giant smartass.
Man•child - An adult male who still possesses psychological traits of a child. (see the full definition of Manchild)

A Pokemanchild is a man who is an adult who only sees Pokemon as it is. A man who is obsessed with the trading card game, the games, merchandise and more. This man commonly will become upset if his favorite Pokemon is insulted. Commonly wears Pokemon appeal and is the first thing they can think to talk about.

However, do not get this confused with a Pokefan, which is a person who generally enjoys Pokemon for what it is versus a "Pokemanchild."

Commonly, people with this problem are often seen as "Autistic" and very may well be.
"Zack only talks about Pokemon when I'm with him. Everytime we are hanging out, all he wants to do is play Pokemon on our 3DS' or Pokemon Stadium. It gets old real fast. When I told him about this girl I was dating, he only talked about how Lusamine is the prettiest and if she were real, he'd date her. This guy is a real Pokemanchild"
by Tarrabyte March 25, 2018
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