20 definitions by TM

I was a student at BCDS.
by TM December 18, 2004
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A preppy brand of clothing started by two brothers (Shep and Ian). It has got a laid back, sort of relax and hang out in Martha's Vineyard or Nantucket sort of theme. It is growing in popularity and they even opened their flagship store in Edgartown (Martha's Vineyard) last year (July 2005). They make fun, comofortable clothing and accessories. It is sort of known as a "new preppy" style, and is very New England. They make a lot of nice ties, with fun, creative prints.
"Hey Ted, lets go buy a few ties at Murray's Toggery Shop"
"Ok, let me just grab my Vineyard Vines 'harbor vest,' its so comfortable."
by TM March 25, 2006
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When a guy first goes through puberty and decides he wants look more mature. To accomplish this he unsucessfully tries to grow facial hair. A very common look among teens from the trailer park. It come in light and sparse like the fuzz on a peach.
Joe: "Whats up Julio? Like my stache? I've been working on it for a few months."
Julio: "Awesome."
by TM January 26, 2005
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a total haxored nub that gets pwned in every class!
wen is a total unelite nub!
by TM January 14, 2005
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1)The act of doing something stupid.

2)The last two notes of the "Wirth's an idiot" song, indicating a stupid act (Db,Eb).
1) Look! Matt just pulled another Wirth!

2) Tarfow just dropped his sticks again! Some one, play a wirth!
by TM December 30, 2005
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Term used to describe South Boston, a part of Boston, MA. Southie is well known for its bars and the Irishmen that live in them.
Man, there sure are a lot of drunken mics here in Southie.
by TM September 14, 2004
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kulanu is a thing that meets every wednesday night from 7 to 9pm, and it also meets of sundays, at temple sinai in stamford, ct. it is fun. BCDS, people are cool!!!
Are you going to kulanu tonight?
by TM December 16, 2004
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