1 definition by T-F-K

A person highly skilled in programming who puts there talents to use by soleving the unsolveable,there history offen gos all the way back to the days of the first "minicomputers" and the earliest ARPAnet experiments.

Hackers also hate boundrys,and therfore offen hide there true identitys to everyone they know on the net,and there fake identitys are hidden to evryone they know in real life.

nearly all programmers look up to the hackers master like Programming experience.

NOTE: Hackers must not be confused with the scum knowen as "crackers"
the unix is an os created by hackers,however breaking into someones ip and messing up there phone is knowen as craking and is not practiced by real hackers.
by T-F-K March 22, 2006
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