3 definitions by StrokeOfGeenius

Outsiders who don’t play the social game and manage to win at it anyhow. Alphas hate Sigmas since they're the only men who don’t accept or at least acknowledge their social dominance. (e.g. Alphas absolutely hate to be laughed at, and Sigma’s can enrage Alpha’s by simply smiling at him.) Everyone else is vaguely confused by them. At parties, he’s the guy who stops by to say hello to a few friends accompanied by a tier-one girl no one has ever seen before. Sigmas often like women, but also tend to be contemptuous of them.

Alphas seemingly rule the roost yet live in a world of constant conflict and hierarchical testing. Sigmas usually acquired their outsider status the hard way; one doesn’t become immune to the social hierarchy by virtue of mass popularity in one’s childhood.

In the event of all-out conflict between a Sigma and an Alpha, the Sigma will vanish. This may count as victory from the Alpha perspective, since he retains his control over the hierarchy. But, the victory can be hollow if the Sigma’s a valuable team member.

The wise Alpha will find a way to let the Sigma do his thing separately, but within the larger context of the team. Think skunk works, or IBM setting up its Boca Raton group to develop the PC without the interference of the larger organization.

Examples include: the Duke of Wellington, Orson Welles, (the artist formerly known as) Prince

Originally coined by Vox Day (going as far back on his blog as 2010) as part of the Socio-Sexual-Hierarchy (SSH)
"I told Steven we should be friends, and he told me 'no' flat out. What's wrong with him?"
"You're an attention whore, and a Sigma like him has better things to do with his time."
"Like what!?"
"Getting shit done."
by StrokeOfGeenius October 15, 2023
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A categorical system separating male personality types into ranks based on patterns of behavior. It classifies men using social status, interactions with others, and inclinations. Containing six male types (Alpha, Sigma, Beta, Delta, Gamma, and Omega), the SSH helps us understand how men fit into different societal roles.

Our place in the SSH depends on how we perceive ourselves compared to others. The most common factors include physical appearance, status and wealth, personality traits, social skills, cultural norms, and confidence.

Grasping the SSH ensures that every man is utilized to maximum effect in organizations, preventing both interpersonal and logistical issues as well as avoiding overlapping functions, redundancy, and critical failure.

The SSH is fractal. Being an Alpha in one group of men does not therefore mean you are an Alpha in every group with which you come in contact. One also can’t decide what rank he is by sheer desire, but should look to others' knowledge of his behavior when determining where he stands.

The SSH is exclusively designed to understand the dynamics at play between men. Using it to distinguish between women would be futile as they have a far more mercurial hierarchy that is impossible to discern (even for them). Rather, use the SSH to accurately determine where you stand as a man so that you can optimize your interactions with the opposite sex.

The SSH is a concept created by Vox Day going back at least as far as 2010.
"I have five candidates for a female secretary for Jim. I was thinking of hiring this one."
"What!? Don't you know anything about the Socio-Sexual Hierarchy!? Jim is a total alpha! Plus he's married! That candidate's an absolute fox! We'd be fools to think he won't cheat with her sometime down the line!"
by StrokeOfGeenius October 17, 2023
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When Group A has prior knowledge of and does not prevent an attack by Group B, often having beneficial results for Group A or both parties

Different from a false flag in that Group A did not engineer the attack, but rather, having received foreknowledge of an attack by Group B, allowed it to proceed. This results in any number of benefits for Group A or both parties (i.e. economic boost, useful victimhood on the world stage, demographic changes).
"The US received word beforehand that the Japanese were planning an attack on Pearl Harbor! Why did they do nothing to stop it?"

"The elite wanted a boost to our economy, and they knew joining WWII was just the ticket. A total green flag."
by StrokeOfGeenius October 15, 2023
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