20 definitions by Stinky

An oversized fitted baseball hat with no bend in the brim worn to the side by African-American males or white buffoons.
Tarik wore his best douche helmet last Friday night to compliment his XXXL white t-shirt.
by Stinky July 21, 2004
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A small four-cylinder vehicle (i.e. Honda Civic) usually painted yellow, pink, or purple and driven by a 5'5" jackass. The wagon usually has a large wing on the back, white rims, and an annoying loud muffler.
Chuck felt like he was like Fast and The Furious as he rolled through Philly in his douche wagon.
by Stinky July 26, 2004
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When you're forced to take a dump in a public restroom and you're just about to drop the bomb, when someone comes into the bathroom and tries to open the stall you're in! This cases the shit coming out your ass to suck back in and your meaty dump to be interrupted.
Man, I was taking a dump when this Turd Burgular came in and messed it up.
by Stinky April 8, 2004
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A term to describe a woman who cannot accept the fact that she is a filthy cunt whore.
I knew Jill was in whore denial when she told me, "I rarely do this" as she shoved my cock in her ass.
by Stinky July 30, 2004
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An obsessive workout set that occurs 3-5 days prior to a vacation in hopes of improving one's looks.
Jon worked tirelessly on his vacation set at the gym in hopes of looking good for the ladies at the Jersey Shore.
by Stinky July 29, 2004
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Residue stuck to the base of the penis and testicles after intercourse with a girl on her period.
After banging Erin's bloody cooch, Jon looked down and noticed rust on his junk.
by Stinky July 21, 2004
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The act of presenting oneself uninvitedly onto the sidelines of a crowded sports arena, while confidently and courageously avoiding any confrontation from security and/or unruly spectators. To achieve perfection in sidelining, once must present a photograph of said act as evidence that there are no signs of pursuit from the authorities.
Michael was banned from the Georgia Dome for three years after sidelining during the football game.
by Stinky September 3, 2014
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