2 definitions by SterlingSilver

The most beautiful sexy girl in the entire world. Sparkling big eyes that can make anyones heart melt and one look at her smile can make anyones day perfect. Her beauty is only surpassed by her brains and will undoubtedly become one of the greatest minds of today. When she walks into the room you can feel her presence making you weak at the knees and stealing your breath. Her kind and caring heart will make anyone feel safe and welcome. If you ever find yourself a "Sena" you need to do everything you can to be with her. She will make your life feel complete
You found yourself a Sena!! You are the luckiest guy in the world!!!

Someday I hope I will have a Sena!
by SterlingSilver October 6, 2010
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The P.F. stands for proven fertile. Women who carry this gene typically have children; though it is possible that they may have just had several abortions/miscarriages. The use of birth control may not prevent pregnancy in a women with the P.F. gene. While this gene is typically found in women there are some cases of men with very determined sperm. A man with the P.F. gene will usually have several kids with different women. It is generally not advised to sleep with someone who has the P.F. gene because birth control typically won’t work.
Steve: Dude I met this girl Jen she has two kids but she is bangin!!!
Brandon: I would be careful man sounds like she has the P.F. gene.
Steve: DUDE! I need money for an abortion! Her birth control didn't work.
Brandon: I warned you man its the P.F. gene
by SterlingSilver November 1, 2016
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