3 definitions by SpartanofSparta84

A term created by a player of Among Us named Spartan. This can mean literally anything you want. Its most common use is to spam the chat.
“WâWâWâWâ WâWâWâWâ WâWâWâWâ WâWâWâWâ WâWâWâWâ”
by SpartanofSparta84 November 7, 2020
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Mumbling old man that can’t get a single sentence out of his mouth. He also stole the election of 2020 by using voter fraud. Somehow he is the 46th president of the USA. He also has no idea on how to run the country through the mess that we are currently in.
Joe biden is reading off of a teleprompter once again.
by SpartanofSparta84 January 15, 2022
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COVID-19 was a disease in early 2019 and throughout 2020 that killed hundreds of thousands of people. The CO stands for Corona, the VI stands for virus, the D stands for disease, and the 19 stands for 2019. The virus was released by China as a bio weapon to weaken the world economies. The virus was also used by the Democratic Party as a political weapon.
Back in ‘20, we were in quarantine because of Corona virus, also known as COVID-19.
by SpartanofSparta84 December 8, 2020
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