52 definitions by Somebody

You are fucking a diseased, underachieved slut bucket in the shitter, and then all of the sudden she releases her bowels causing her to shit corn chowder out both ends of her asshole. You are so shocked, so petrified, that it gives you a strange turn-on, which causes you to keep fucking that filthy, stool stained can.
Oh damn, this stupid hoe just had a meat flood. Oh well, guess I'll just keep fucking.
by Somebody April 1, 2005
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A person who
1.) didn't read that defenition, as it would probably permanently lower my IQ.

2.) Is still laughing at you.
by Somebody July 18, 2003
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Someone who is laughing at you for wasting your time for writing all of that.
by Somebody July 10, 2003
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a loser that uses stock comebacks and is obsessed with anime
"waah those shitheads dont like crappy shows like evangelion so im gonna throw the same insults over and over at them"
by Somebody July 19, 2003
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Someone who's AIM SN I would like to know, as UrbanDictionary.com is a shitty place to argue over things.
by Somebody July 10, 2003
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A person who should be told that they, contarary to whatever they think, are not funny and should stop trying to be.
by Somebody July 1, 2003
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An extremely large land mammal that live in dark places (such as caves and under rocks). Often acts aggressive to others that it feels are invading its territory.
Female Hiker: Whoa! I tried to look in that cave but the FX inside tried to bite my head off!
by Somebody August 11, 2004
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