9 definitions by Skeet

The last name of the richest, most successful man in Las Vegas. Worth over $2,000,000,000.
Steve Wynn just bought my house for five million dollars, and will be turning it into a new hotel.
by Skeet September 28, 2004
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Fucking international leech borrowed my shoes again.
by Skeet May 3, 2004
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Something that opens one's mind to possibilties outside the outside of the box.
That idea you brought up at work was really a Yoko!
After I read that book I felt really Yoko'd!
by Skeet April 11, 2005
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"I look like Adale!"
by Skeet January 11, 2005
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Whitefear: Best example would be the White-Fear episode of South Park. Watch it!
by Skeet January 2, 2004
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The goo that squirts out of the vagina.
Her vagina snot ruined my weight bench. Or her vagina snot dripped down into her ass.
by Skeet March 4, 2005
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well-dressed; beyond butter
oh shit this nigga is cleeeeeean
by Skeet July 13, 2004
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