1 definition by SimmonSaysuLOSE

A female usually of Russian or Hispanic decent. Has a crazy hairstyle, not fat not skinny and is constantly laughing at something that is possibly not even funny. Her sense of style is well put together. Guys fall in love with her especially black guys but a Natasha usually already has fallen for a boy from her childhood days .

Natashas usually go for white boys and if they take chances hispanic guys with shaggy hair.

Natashas love ice cream even during cold weather and can tolerate just about anyone.

WARNING: Natashas can be a bitches and if necessary will chew you out.
"DAM! She is a sexy bitch that Natasha Girl" "Natasha its 28 degrees outside why are you eating ice cream!"
by SimmonSaysuLOSE January 5, 2010
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