10 definitions by Sidbo

Homosexual Male version of a Cougar. An older gay male, usually at least 40 who seeks to score with younger boys in their 20's. He is often a wealthier gay male who uses his money to seduce or score with younger men.
In a nightclub on Santa Monica Boulevard in West Hollywood, CA:

Ryan: Hey, like why are all those cute boys gathering around over there?
Stephan: Oh, well I heard that like, some sugardaddy pulled up in a Bentley and he's like buying them all drinks.
Ryan: Ah, fabulous! A Pink Panther. I should like make sure he notices how fierce I am so I can get in on some of that.
Stephan: You're such a slut!!!
Ryan: Ya, well he can like take me back to his den anytime honey.
by Sidbo January 10, 2010
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The heartless and extremely one dimensional character in a movie that is so mean and evil or dickish, that you can't help but hate him. He is also often characterized as the killer or abuser of beautiful and defenseless wives & girlfriends and innocent children, or the dick boyfriend of the leading lady that you cannot for the life of you, figure out why she's with him.

He either dies near the end of the movie in a very sadistic and creative way at the hands of the the good guy, or he is humiliated in front of his peers and those he's wronged. In either case he is such an asshole that his form of death or humiliation has given the writers an easy out to give the audience something to cheer and feel good about.
Colonel Quaritich proved himself to be the Puppy Killer in the movie, Avatar, when he started the extermination of the peaceful planet loving Na'vis on Pandora.

It was revealed that Zack, in Wedding Crashers, was the Puppy Killer, when he bragged about his sexual conquests behind his girlfriend Claire's back and how he was using her just to advance his political career.
by Sidbo January 5, 2010
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To be proven 100% wrong of one's theory, and then to proudly take all the credit for being proven wrong.
Lindsay started trumping, saying she was proud that she made Kaitlin come forward and prove with a DNA test that the baby was conceived by Katilin's own husband. All after claiming she had proof otherwise, spreading nasty rumors, and casting doubt saying it was another man's even though a blood test had proven otherwise.
by Sidbo April 28, 2011
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Hot From A Distance. A person who, from afar, looks hot, but when you get up close is not so hot.
Chad: Wow, check out that blonde hottie in the blue top on the dance floor. I'm gonna go out there and get my groove on with her.

Austin: She's a babe. Go for it dude.

10 seconds later....

Austin: You're back already? What she turn ya down?

Chad: Na, just turns out she was H-FAD.
by Sidbo May 4, 2011
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When somebody looks gay in photos.
My friend Peter showed me his pics from a recent trip he took to Los Angeles with his girlfriend. Surprisingly, he looked gay in every picture. I never realized how photogaynic he is.
by Sidbo February 9, 2013
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A Gay date. Most commonly, a gate occurs when a single woman needs a date when attending a function like a wedding, company Christmas party, or even a school dance.

Gates, are non-threatening to the woman, and usually make great companions because there are no pre-conceived ideas of the definition of the date, make great dance partners, have good etiquette, and of course dress well.

There have been many instances when the woman becomes delusional and secretly views the gate as a real date. This is known as "trying to change the lock on the gate" and has never succeeded.
Bride to Sister: Samantha, have you found someone to bring to my wedding yet?

Samantha: Actually, yes, I have. I'm bringing my friend Bryan.

Bride: Oh, could Bryan be someone special? More than just a friend?

Samantha: No, he's just a gate. Unfortunately, he doesn't play on our team, but he looks good and is fun to hang with. Plus it will prevent the family from getting their hopes up about me being the next to walk down the aisle in a white dress.
by Sidbo June 22, 2011
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Jean: That new Sedaris book is out. I'll download it to my handy dandy friend, Kindle!

Barry: Kindle? You still stuck on him? I thought iPad killed Kindle before it even had a chance to reach pre-school.

Jean: Ya, I know, that sure was a waste of $300. iPad is so guilty in the case of Kindle's murderer. Kindle is now resting in peace with Palm Pilot, VCR and Projection TV in Techno Heaven.
by Sidbo January 27, 2010
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