3 definitions by ShamWow

The act of consuming BHO dabs until one's fine motor skills are impaired. Typically from 'overdabbing' on a large wax rig. Typically, a frazzledabbed individual may slur his or her words, or produce no words at all, producing phrase-like utterances.
"Man, I am frazzledabbed..."
"Hey man, don't get all frazzledabbed. You have to drive tonight!"
by ShamWow May 7, 2014
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while in high school, dating or hooking up with someone more than 2 years younger than you
Amy: hey did you just hookup with that freshman?
Jenna(senior): who, john? yea?
Amy: dayyuuum jenna's salty!
by ShamWow January 20, 2013
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