1 definition by ShaanDonKhan

MD stands for more drinks. It is a rating system used for guys to communicate with one another about how many drinks they need to take before they would fornicate with that specific girl who may not look so great.

Rating system:
1MD: probably still smash when sober
2MD: state of mind is slightly altered but loosening up
3MD: feeling pretty good now 5s are looking like 8s
4MD: damn im drunk every girl is looking good now

1B (1 bottle): Id put it in anything with a hole thats warm, wet, and willing

**Caution: When exceeding the 1B mark may wake up the next morning with a terrible migraine, aching anus, with a guy next to you saying "i had a great night"


next to a stripper who's now your wife.

**inspired by the song "1 more drink" by ludacris
guy 1: that girls ugly
guy 2: ya shes a 3md
guy 1: whats a 3md?
guy 2: 3 more drinks before i smash!!
by ShaanDonKhan July 30, 2009
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