45 definitions by Satandog

Popular Brit vernacular used when you just can't face taking part in something. First used in days of yore when people sat at the sides to miss a particular dance. Now it's used to skip meetings, when you're too drunk to dance with an ugly woman, or maybe skipping out on a party you know will suck weapon's grade ass.
"Dave, are you coming to Mike's birthday tonight?"
"Sorry mate, but he's a friendless loser, and I shagged his girlfriend. I think I'll Sit this one out, if that's alright with you".
"No worries fella."
by Satandog March 29, 2006
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The year England won the World Cup. Ingurland!!
England won the World Cup in 1966. They beat West Germany 4-2 at Wembley Stadium. They think it's all over...it is now!
by Satandog April 5, 2006
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All Day Pajama Syndrome: Dubiously scientific name for the trend of wearing pajamas all day long, and in public.
50 or more moms gathered at the school gate every day to drop off their kids and every one of them suffered from ADPS.
by Satandog May 24, 2011
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adj. Describes turning up en masse, usually in preparation for trouble like kicking the crap out of some other guys, or as a safety in numbers precaution to prevent exactly that. Also applies in work life, when you call a meeting and some dipshit brings 10 buddies, or you throw a party and some utter loser...brings 10 buddies.
"Fuck me if Chopper didn't turn up at the Red Lion mob handed last night looking to get even with Frankie Four Inches. By Last Orders no cunt was left standing in the place. Fucking carnage"
by Satandog February 26, 2006
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You got it right first time. British English - used between mates.
"Is Jake shagging Trish?"
"You Got It In One, mate."
by Satandog March 28, 2006
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British slang - describes ears that stick right out to the side like the handles of a milk jug. Makes cosmetic surgeons a big pile of cash to staple the suckers back.
"Dave's little brother Mike has got Jug Ears. He's an ugly Jug-Eared twat".
by Satandog March 28, 2006
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The ultimate retribution when you piss someone off.
"Dave, you just shagged my mom. I'm gonna put you into a world of pain."
by Satandog April 19, 2006
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