97 definitions by Sara

sleeping with or dating someone your friend has already dated or slept with.
After Jayne committed friendcest with Samantha's ex-boyfriend, their friendship was never the same.
by Sara November 25, 2004
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dumbasses. all of them. they helped re-elect our president, george bush. why did they elect them? because of the bible. they are all homophobes. every single fucking one. they are all against abortion. they are all against choice. they are all against making our nation stronger.

i want to know at LEAST ONE thing that bush has done to make our country stronger. what has he done? he has done absolutely NOTHING. he has been waisting our money in a pointless war that should've been over like, a year ago. hell, it was a pointless war. our stocks are going WAAAAAAAAAY down the drain. people are losing their jobs for no reason.

gays cannot get married now. because our dumbass president has had their FREEDOM practically taken away from them. whatever the hell happened to '..and the land of the free' ..? hmm? what happened to that slogan? what fucking happened to it?

mothers are having to have babies, even if they don't want to. hell, would if a 12 year old got raped by her father? or some man? and got pregnant? would YOU want to have to go through 9 months, your reputation being fucked up, having morning sickness, and having to face the pain? and almost fucking dieing from the pain of it? no. i don't think you would.

i'm almost embarassed to be an american. all because of this dumbass we call our president.
"hi i iz gorge bushz n i wood lyk 2 thank mi daddy 4 electin me prezident!!!!"
by Sara March 13, 2005
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To kill.

It was made up by me because I'm cool.
I'm going to typoon that emoticon.
by Sara October 30, 2004
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Like vagina, but taking the hey hey from the ghetto greeting.
She loves to call her lady part her vaheyhey.
by Sara November 1, 2004
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swcutty - adj. - loser-like, lowly life form
v. - when one acts loser-like or takes on loser-like forms
as used in stop acting swcutty-ish"
used in "look at that swcutty boy"
by Sara January 27, 2005
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one who takes pleasure in cruel battles of spite, burgles anything and everything, can't help but eat his burger, enjoys the occasional wedgy or melvin, and reeks of rotten eggs.
"That yegge kid is the biggest turd burgler I know."
by Sara December 16, 2004
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act of eating popcorn at the movies before you get to your seat by putting your tongue in the popcorn box because your other hand is holding your soda.
As I walked to my seat, I committed cornalingus because I couldn't wait until my hands were free to taste the popcorn.
by Sara June 17, 2006
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