97 definitions by Sara

Runescape Is The Addictive Game On The Internet! (Literally.)
Still, Its extremely exciting for those who find roleplaying games fun. Were not asking you 'Noobs' to come up here and explain how 'Nooby' it is, Were just asking you to have fun! Its like a TV show, and I don't see you going and dissing a TV show off! So Shut up, Everyone loves Runescape :)
Freak: "Runescape Sucks! Lets go diss it off On Urban Dictionary!"
Normal Human-being: *Takes Out Bazooka gun and 'Rune 2h sword'* DIE!
by Sara February 25, 2005
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Smoking, mainly tobacco. When smokers hunch over to light up it looks as if they're performing a service on a small being cupped in their hands. Thus, blowing the elf.

The phrase blowing the elf was coined by a highschool student sick of assholes blowing smoke in her face.
"Dude, don't blow the elf around me, it smells."
by Sara March 30, 2005
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calling someone to give them a reality slap
ugh i cant stand hansel
i know right riding in on that scooter like hes so cool
and the way he does his hair i mean ex-squeeze me but has he ever heard of styling gel?
im sure hansels heard of styling gel hes a male model
ugh earth to brent i was making a joke...
as heard in zoolander
by Sara October 23, 2004
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Hottest charry of all time. Really, a angst char that goes though rough times. Also goes into a mode called SEED or berserker mode.
Kira Yamato from Gundam SEED is very angsty
by Sara October 24, 2004
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a dumbass. a dumbass who got elected by well, dumbasses. he is the reason why we lost our allies. he is the reason why so many innocent people in iraq are losing their lives. the only smart thing he will ever do is die. (:
"Hi i'm george bush and i have come to make your nation go down the drain."
by Sara March 13, 2005
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"I rawred at him cutely"
by Sara February 18, 2005
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like a hussler but better, a gentleman, and all around nice guy, and sensitive, but hardcore at the same time
It that a hutzler?
Heck yes it is...it's a paul hutzler
by Sara December 30, 2005
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