13 definitions by Sadie

It's the name of a song by Semisonic and it stands for Do Not Disturb
DND, Hang the sign on the door
DND, Don't disturb us no more
by Sadie January 7, 2004
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To be used as a description for any un necessary action/outfit/event/noise/smell etc
You see a large person in clothes two sizes too small "NONEEED!!!"

It is windy and you cant light your fag - "NONEEED!!!"

The useless waster in McDonalds has just dropped your chips - "NONEEED"
by Sadie May 1, 2003
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(origin un-known) a word or sound, usu. used in northern parts of england, usu to mean yes. Or, is often used to show indignance, usu. wil an 'aw' sound before it.
1) "are we going to the beach today?" "wellaye"
2)"hey, you, you're an idiot!" (see twollop) "aw, wellaye!"
by Sadie May 6, 2005
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To be asked when someone is wearing a rather smashing pair of new shoes. Can also be used for anything new if the fancy takes you. The word can be dragged out for longer if the shoes are especially lovely
Hello lurpak... nuuuuuushoooooooos????
by Sadie May 1, 2003
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mexican-girlswhodyetheirhairdarker slang for an african slut queen.
OOh did u see Starbeesha today? She is such a heater. I'm totally gonna tap dat
by Sadie December 11, 2004
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C.I.A..look below
F.B.I..look below
*Cocks in Action*
*Fine Boys Inspecter*
by Sadie May 2, 2004
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A word (noun)that defines a stupid person, used by young people, usu.
"hey, look at that guy over there. He's a twollop!"
by Sadie January 3, 2005
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