1 definition by SSS listedan


Millennial 2.0

1: A term used to describe the new millennial social group ranging from the ages of 13- 18. They are twice as whiny, twice as easily offended, and twice as likely to use the internet to prove their hatred and hypocrisy of people not of their "enlightened" mindset.

2: A person who can't see the word Family before a TV Channel without eschewing all kinds of family and only consider alternative families worth learning about.
Person 1: Have you noticed how many TV Channels are being geared towards Becomers rather than for everyone?

Person 2: Who?

Person 1: You know, those pissy self-proclaimed "Enlightened " teens who think only Politically Correct People can voice their opinions online then attack and splooge their hypocrisy upon?
by SSS listedan May 19, 2017
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