11 definitions by SRL

the best snack ever!!!!!!!! never waste them. jeuin iz the only person (maybe he's not a person) who duznt like them. DIE!!!!
I ate wheat thins the whole day! and i got undepressed.
by SRL September 26, 2004
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This is one of the best music video channel out there (next to fuse). It would be better if there wasnt so much rap but that is beside the point. All of you people who think that this has ruined american music, get over it. this IS american music. and all you people who i am pretty sure just called me a fuckhole, YOU my friend, are the true fuck hole.

as for all the reality shows, have you ever watched viva la bam or punkd or jackass?? obviously not fuckhole!
Hey, I could spend hours watching MTV and fuse, thinking about all of those fuckholes who dont like it.
by SRL September 26, 2004
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Something extremely plain and boring and not worthy of being anything except worse than ordinary.
She was such and extraordinary person that I fell asleep.
by SRL September 26, 2004
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1. Definitive article.

A scatalogical derivation of the definite article "the", arising due to the over-used and over-rated nature of the "e" vowel. Used generally positioned to the front of a noun.

2. Not-so-definitive article.

A secondary derivation of the definite article "the". It's existance enhances the not-so-definitive nature of the English language, as well as the definitive nature of the noun or adjective succeeding it.

3. It's so 'teh', it ceases to be defined or even an article.

A tertiary derivation of the definate article "the" as well as the secondary derivation of the definitive article "teh" as well as the primary derivation of the not-so-definitive article "teh". Must be used only in scenarios where deemed grammatically inappropriate. The term in itself implies a sense of ostentatiousness, a sense of foreboding, a sense od delirium and a sense of altriustic narcissism. It is commonly employed to elicit a response of confusion and when used in the correct dosage may induce brain-death. Extra points are rewarded for using the term "teh" in so called 'combos' consisting of "teh"s and "Über"s. Warning: failure to urinate may result in discomfort.
Def 1. Teh cat fizzled within and without the time-space continuum because its existence was not considered a directly observable event.

Def 2. Maaaaan, that stuff you gave me last week. One word baby: TEH awesome.

Def 3. Proposition 628 is liek teh teh Über teh. Purple monkey dishwasher.
by SRL April 2, 2005
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The reading program for fuckholes! woohoo! yes, soo lee is indeed "hooked on phonics". YES YOU, YOU FUCKING FUCKHOLE!!! teeheehee
by SRL September 26, 2004
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Something that is mentioned a million times that we have no idea what the hell it means in Green Day's new album American Idiot
"You're not the Jesus of Suburbia/the St. Jimmy is a figment of your fathers rage and your mothers love"
by SRL September 26, 2004
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