3 definitions by Ruedii

A person who thinks they are based with their trolling but really is just base.
Just ignore that troll. He thinks he's some kind of Edgelord.
by Ruedii May 3, 2021
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A long-winded Trumped up statement that actually says nothing at all while sounding authoritative and important, typical of the celebrity presidential candidate that shares it's name.
The candidate responded with a Trumpism: "I think that is a very important issue, and it's an issue a lot of people have asked me about. I have a lot of experience with this issue and I think I can make a big difference when dealing with this issue."
by Ruedii March 13, 2016
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A psychological ailment, often inherited, that causes the person affected to feel entitled to preferential treatment and/or immunity from the consequences of their actions .
Example: The Wall Street executive got his car towed after parking in a handicapped space. He sued the city stating that he should be allowed to park there. A blogger noted sarcastic agreement, stating that the executive was clearly disabled suffering from crippling affluensa.
by Ruedii April 5, 2015
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