1 definition by Rubies3

Very smart, but pretends to be an airhead to fit in. She is very good at helping her friends in their hour of need if they will take her seriously. She is very pretty and fun to be around. She can make anybody laugh with her wit! She acts innocent but she does bad things without getting caught. However she is easily taken advantage of due to her generous and kind nature. Just remember that Marys have feelings and problems too! A Mary needs a man to be loyal to her and gentlemanly. He doesn't need to buy her anything, just be affectionate.
Guy 1: *talks to Mary*
Guy 1: *is laughing*
Guy 1: Mary is hilarious! And I think she was flirting with me...
Guy 2: She's kinda pretty. Maybe you should ask her out?
Guy 1: sounds good!
by Rubies3 May 5, 2011
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