8 definitions by Red_Shaft

To be all tensed up and rigid, like a coiled cobra that's ready to strike at any moment.
"Geez dude, are you always this intense? Learn to loosen up every once in a while, not everyone is out to get you."
by Red_Shaft July 23, 2017
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To temporarily shut off the thinking part of your brain and focus only at the task at hand, such as eating, playing video games, watching television, or exercising.
Husband: ".........." (Eats dinner while running sleep mode)

Wife: "Whatcha thinking about?"

Husband: "..........Nothing." (Continues eating as he enters sleep mode again)
by Red_Shaft July 18, 2017
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1. To look into someone's eyes very intensely, making the other person feel "naked" or "exposed".
2. Staring at someone like they're hiding something and you're trying to find out what without actually saying anything.
1. Scorpios are known to give soul stares, which can make them come off as intimidating or creepy.
2. After Timothy's mother asked him and his older brother where the big scratch on her Grandmother's one of kind vase came from, she gave them both a soul stare.
by Red_Shaft July 18, 2017
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laughing that doesn't come from joy or humor, but rather from overwhelming stress and/or severe trauma (psychologically an physically). People may experience this sour form of laughter or "maughter" when:
1. The written exam they're about to take is their last shot to pass a class and they can't answer a single question on it
2. They found out that a close family member has just died and they still haven't fully come to terms with it
As Doctor Wong forcibly realigned Jimmy's fractured arm, Jimmy began maughing and flailing his legs uncontrollably, which prompted nurses to rush into the room and hold him down until the procedure was done. Afterwards the nurses consoled the teen (who was now in tears and exhausted from all the flailing) and held up his arm while Dr. Wong could carefully wrap a cast on it.
by Red_Shaft July 22, 2017
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Fingernails and toenails that have not been trimmed for a long time, giving the appearance of "talons" or "claws" (not very pleasant to look at).
Jamal: (Dribbles basketball and goes for layup)

Drew: (Blocks basketball from getting in the hoop)

Jamal: (Gives the "time out" sign) "Dude you really should trim those claws of yours. You almost took my eye out."

Drew: "Shit, my bad. I'll clip them when we get home."

Jamal: "There's no need for that, I got one in my car, lucky for you."
by Red_Shaft July 20, 2017
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A nuclear bomb wrapped in a teddy bear. Figuratively speaking, it is someone who bottles all of their feelings inside over the course of several weeks and even months before finally letting it all out without warning, sometimes on people that had nothing to do with their misfortunes or shortcomings. You may never see it coming too, because they could appear to completely fine until one day you or someone else does something to piss them off. The slightest offense to that individual could incur their wrath (whether that's verbal abuse or physical harm), surprising everyone around them due to the behavior appearing out of nowhere (they may even take the person's side since they don't understand the whole story). It is best to stay as far away from them as possible, so that you don't get caught up in the mushroom cloud as well. People like that can be very dangerous if handled the wrong way.
*Lunch period in High School*
Chad: "I wouldn't mess with him if I were you, that guy just got released from juvie last month. That guy is like a teddy bear time bomb.”
Trevor: (Laughs at Chad) “A what? You watch too much t.v. man. What does that even mean?”
Chad: “I’m serious dude, I heard he had to be relocated once after almost stabbing one of the inmates with a broken toothbrush. It took three security guards to hold him down. Ever since that day he’s been quiet and keeps to himself, who knows what might happen, he could be some kind of psycho now.”
Trevor: *Ignores Chad and continues to approach the guy anyways*
*Gets beat up*
Juvie Kid: “You want a piece of me too?!”
Chad: *Nervously shakes his head*
by Red_Shaft July 23, 2017
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To attempt to start a conversation with someone (whether it be a crush, your taxi driver, a classmate, a fellow hospital patient, a stranger you met on the street, your neighbor, etc.), even though you might get rejected or ignored altogether. Even if you do happen to strike out, it was all a calculated risk right? No big deal.
*A few people waiting in the checkout line at a grocery store*

1st person in line: (Thinks to self sarcastically) "Could this cashier go any slower?"
2nd person in line: (Looks around and begins to social gamble) "You like frosted flakes too huh? I used to eat it all the time when I was little."
1st person in line: (Turns around) "............"
3rd person in line: "They added a new cinnamon flavored one recently, tastes pretty good."
2nd person in line: (Turns around) "Really? I'll check it out the next time I come."
*First person in line leaves with bagged groceries while the conversation between the other two continues*
by Red_Shaft July 22, 2017
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