6 definitions by RandomAsianMan


A funny/viral video, image, text, song or person that is shared across the internet rapidly, in different variations. Memes cure depression and fuel our culture.

Some famous memes include: Never gonna give you up, deez nuts, sike thats the wrong number, social credit, roll safe, astronaut in the ocean, amogus (among us), dababy (lets gooo), the rock eyebrow meme, what da dog doin?, megamind meme, wide putin walking, mr incredible becoming uncanny, helikopter helikopter, that one there was a violation personally i wouldn't have it, super idol, and many more.
"Have you seen that new meme?"
"Yeah its amazing"
by RandomAsianMan January 4, 2022
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A corner jump is a very tricky and impressive manuvure which will leave your opponent bamboozeled, flabbergasted, bewildered, gobsmacked and discombobulated. To perform this move, you must perform a big jump across a gap on a corner, usually done on the ranked takedown maps.

You will earn major street credit for this.

If you fail this you will take the consequence.
Guy1: Yo I just hit a corner jump
Gay2: You’re so cool man I want to be just like you
by RandomAsianMan April 9, 2022
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To rick roll someone is to bait and trick someone into clicking on a link that leads to the music video, Never gonna give you up by rick astley. This can also be done by QR code, or just by playing it through your own speaker. The more unexpected the rick roll is, the better.
bob: "yo check out this cute kitten"
jeff: *clicks link*
*never gonna give you up starts playing*
jeff: dammit you rick rolled me
by RandomAsianMan January 4, 2022
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Literal definition: Non fungible token.

Actual definition that you came here for: A glorified JPEG image that shouldn’t have any worth, but for some reason sells for millions. Recently the bored ape yacht club nft collection have been very popular. NFTs are horrible as they are brainwashing our generation of celebrities as they buy them to flex their money most of the time.

NFT owners get butthurt when you screenshot their NFT and pretend to have it as a joke.
Normal guy: lol I just screenshot yes your nft now I own it

NFT owner: OMG you are unbelievable. Blockchain prevents the fact that anyone can steal it and it clearly says that I own it!! My lawyer will hear from this very soon and you will kiss your life goodbye as you will be on the street. Get ready for your life to be ruined!
by RandomAsianMan January 5, 2022
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A super fan of someone in an obsessive way, usually a celebrity.

Originated from the Eminem song “Stan” where a fan of Eminem called Stan drives off a bridge because Eminem doesn’t respond to his fan mail in time.

This word has been recently popularised as dream (a minecraft YouTuber) and members of his minecraft server have a lot of stupid obsessive fans (stans).
Person 1: “Dream stans are so annoying
Person 2: “I know man they are so stupid
by RandomAsianMan December 29, 2022
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A super fan of someone in an obsessive way, usually a celebrity.

Originated from the Eminem song “Stan” where a fan of Eminem called Stan drives off a bridge because Eminem doesn’t respond to his fan mail in time.

This word has been recently popularised as dream (a minecraft YouTuber) and members of his minecraft server have a lot of stupid obsessive fans (stans).
Person 1: “Dream stans are so annoying
Person 2: “I know man they are so stupid
by RandomAsianMan December 29, 2022
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