1 definition by Random Phantom

The senses is evident in many people after smoking marijuana. When one has the senses, their reaction time is greatly increased along with hand-eye coordination which allows the person to do incredible things that normally would be very difficult to do. The senses become extremely useful in sports and drinking games such as beer pong or flip cup.
Believe in the senses and they will be good to you.
example 1 "Stu is smoking a bong and mike throws a lighter at Stu from across the room. Stu sees the lighter out of the corner of his eye and catches it while continuing to smoke his bong...prime example of The Senses"

Example 2 "Tom and Brent are playing beer pong and haven't sunk any cups. Tom lights up a pipe for them and they miraculously sink the opponents cups for an amazing comeback." The Senses aids in winning drinking games.

Example 3 "Brad (drunk) accidentally knocks his beer off the table. Tom (high) makes a heroic grab and saves the beer from hitting the floor or any spillage."
by Random Phantom February 4, 2010
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