45 definitions by Rajeeb2014

'Smart' plus 'Witty': Displaying or described by fast and creative verbal and written humour.
A: Do you know what 'smartty' means?
B: Nope.
A: It's a word created by Md. Ziaul Haque, a poet, writer, novelist, songwriter, dramatist, actor, director, and researcher from Sylhet, Bangladesh. He used it in his poetenry or poem of ten lines titled, "Smartty".
B: That's so innovative!
A: Yap!
by Rajeeb2014 February 13, 2022
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A button that should be pressed when someone shares a very emotional or sad status in social media especially on Facebook.
A: Facebook must introduce a sympathize button soon.
B: I agree with you. This is really weird when other friends press the 'Like' button even if the status is about the death of a relative.
A: Do you know about the person who suggested the necessity of this button so clearly?
B: Md. Ziaul Haque from Bangladesh; am I right?
A: Yes, he posted a status on Facebook on Aug 30, 2012 about the introduction of a 'Sympathise' button. The status was- "I find it really strange or weird especially when someone clicks the 'Like' option even when his friend faced an accident. How can we 'like' this phenomenon when the concerned person is not happy? I think my Facebook friends must agree with me on this note. According to me, Mark Zuckerberg should think seriously about this and add another option just beside the 'Like' button. I suggest that "Sympathise" can be the most suitable option."
B: Thanks a lot for this information.
A: It's alright.
by Rajeeb2014 December 16, 2014
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A person who behaves foolishly sometimes but acts intelligently in some other circumstances.
A: Why are you acting like a foolligent person?
B: Mind your language!

A: That's what you are.
B: How dare you?
A: Yesterday you behaved smartly with the college girls but today you have turned into a fool before them.
B: Sometimes it does happen. You must understand.
A: I don't want a foolligent person as my friend. Goodbye.
B: Ok, goodbye.
by Rajeeb2014 July 4, 2014
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An affectionate relationship where the souls of the lovers are united and sexuality is also present. For example, the love between the husband and wife, and the lover and beloved. If the souls of the spouses are one, then it is ‘Platonic’; if they have a physical relationship, then it is ‘sexual’- Platonisexual.
A: I know about 'Platonic Love' but what is 'Platonisexual Love'?
B: An affectionate bond in which the lovers' souls are unified and sexual relationship also exists.

A: That means- Platonic + Sexual = Platonisexual.

B: I hope you understand now.
A: Yes! Who used the idea of 'Platonisexual Love' in this way for the first time?
B: Md. Ziaul Haque, a poet, writer, novelist, songwriter, dramatist, actor, director and researcher from Sylhet, Bangladesh, used it in his fiverse or poem of five lines titled, "Platonisexual Love".
A: Thanks a million!
B: Pleasure!
by Rajeeb2014 August 29, 2020
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'Real' plus 'Lies': A real, not playfully said, false statement that is intentionally presented as being true.
A: Do you know what 'realies' means?

B: Nope.
A: It's a word created by Md. Ziaul Haque, a poet, writer, novelist, songwriter, dramatist, actor, director, and researcher from Sylhet, Bangladesh. He used it in his fiverse or poem of five lines titled, "Realies".
B: That's so creative!
A: Yeah!
by Rajeeb2014 October 23, 2020
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Realies: 'Real' plus 'Lies'. The word means real false statements, not playfully said, made intentionally to deceive.
A: Don't tell realies!
B: What's 'realies'?
A: It's a mixture of 'real' and 'lies'. Realies means real false statements, not playfully said, made intentionally to deceive.
B: Who invented the word?
A: Md. Ziaul Haque, a poet, writer, novelist, songwriter, dramatist, actor, director, and researcher from Sylhet, Bangladesh, used it in his fiverse or poem of five lines titled, "Realies".
B: Thanks a million!
by Rajeeb2014 October 30, 2020
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The poet who writes only ten-line-poems.
I would like to be a great poeten in the days ahead.
by Rajeeb2014 January 16, 2013
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