45 definitions by Rajeeb2014

Simple + Complex = Simplex. A problem or something else that seems simple but is complex actually.
A: It's a rather simple sum. I'll solve it easily.
B: My friend, it looks so simple but is quite complex indeed.
A: Do you mean that it's a simplex sum?
B: Yes, I do. It has both simplicity and complexity inside.
by Rajeeb2014 November 25, 2014
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Medition is a verb and noun. It is a combination of two words- Medicine + Meditation. As a verb, it means to take harmless drugs and think deeply about something. It also means to take drugs that have no side-affects and think calm thoughts in order to relax. However, drugs are not allowed in religious kinds of meditations.
My friend, Neil, has been meditioning for a long time.
by Rajeeb2014 June 27, 2018
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Medition is a noun. It is a mixture of two words- Medicine + Meditation. It means the action or practice of meditating or meditioning by taking some friendly medicines or drugs that have no side-affects. It is the act of taking some legal or less harmful drugs and giving one's attention to only one thing as a way of becoming calm and relaxed. However, the drugs are not allowed in the religious meditations.
A: My friend Ronny has started medition!
B: What is 'medition'?
A: It means the action or practice of meditating or meditioning by taking some friendly medicines or drugs that have no side-affects. Actually, it is a way of becoming calm and relaxed.

B: Now, I understand! Thanks.
A: You are welcome.
by Rajeeb2014 June 27, 2018
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Shakespeareius is an adjective. It means a person, ideas, writings, thoughts etc. have the qualities or characteristics of William Shakespeare or his writings.
A: Have you revised the drama that I have written recently?
B: Yes, I have.
A: How is it?
B: The manuscript is absolutely Shakespeareius in parts!
A: What is Shakespeareius?
B: It means that the ideas, writings, thoughts etc. in your drama have the qualities or characteristics of William Shakespeare's writings! Md. Ziaul Haque, a poet, writer, novelist, songwriter, dramatist, actor, director and researcher from Sylhet, Bangladesh invented this word through his Haqueian Verse titled 'Shakespeareius'.
A: Thanks.
B: Welcome.
by Rajeeb2014 July 6, 2018
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Shakespeareius is a noun. It is a mixture of two words- Shakespeare + Genius. It means someone who has William Shakespeare's exceptional, intellectual or creative power in him.
A: You are a 'Shakespeareius'!
B: What is Shakespeareius?
A: It means that you are a genius like Shakespeare!
B: Thanks a lot! Where did you find this word?
A: Md. Ziaul Haque, a poet, writer, novelist, songwriter, dramatist, actor and researcher from Sylhet, Bangladesh invented this word through his Haqueian Verse titled 'Shakespeareius'.
B: Thanks.
A: Welcome.
by Rajeeb2014 July 6, 2018
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'Powery' is an adjective that is similar to 'powerful'. It means having great power or strength.
A: Have you heard about the word 'powery'?

B: No. What does 'powery' mean?

A: Powery means having great power, prestige, or influence.

B: Ok. Who used this word in this sense for the first time?

A: Md. Ziaul Haque, a poet, writer, novelist, songwriter, actor, director, researcher and scholar from Sylhet, Bangladesh used the word in his fiverse titled "Powery".

B: Thank you so much for this information.

A: Welcome.
by Rajeeb2014 August 17, 2018
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Philogy is a mixture of two words- Philosophy and Logic. It means the study of philosophy and logic at the same time. In other words, it is the branch of knowledge that deals with philosophy and logic.
A: Have you heard about 'philogy'?
B: No. What is 'philogy'?
A: Philogy means the study of philosophy and logic at the same time. In other words, it is the branch of knowledge that deals with philosophy and logic.
B: Ok. Who is the inventor of 'philogy'?
A: Md. Ziaul Haque, a poet, writer, novelist, songwriter, actor, researcher from Bangladesh talked about it first in his Haqueian Verse titled 'Philogy'.
B: That is so new and enlightening! Thank you a lot for this information.
A: Welcome.
by Rajeeb2014 June 27, 2018
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