1 definition by PsychoBarbieHax

Keita Tachibana - lead vocals, born Dec 16, 1985
Ryuichi Ogata - lead rap, backup singer, born Dec 17, 1985
Ryohei Chiba - lead dancer, backup singer (and he sometimes helps with the rapping), born Nov 18, 1984
Jpop boy band that has 20 singles, 20 coupling songs, 6 cd's (with an average of 15 1/3 songs on each), and 11 DVD's.
They also have short video's of them as the 'joy police' where they go to places that are suppost to be fun and see if they are (Keita dosn't jump when things pop out at him and Ryuichi tends to like rides more than something you have to walk though from what I've seen)
Great W-inds songs:
Forever Memories
Super Lover ~I Need You Tonight~
Love is Message
Break Down, Build Up
New Paradise
by PsychoBarbieHax August 19, 2006
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