1 definition by Psuedonym19

think of it like this: a normal persons brain has an "orchestra" where each section isa different mental skill, like the pianist is math, and the trumpeters are speech, ect. you are the conductor. the "orchestra" of a normal person has say, musicians your age being conducted by a conductor your age. like a ten year old orchestra and a ten year old conductor. however, an adhd person's brain has PROFESSIONAL musicians being conducted by a 6 year old, so the piano is playing La Campanella, and the violinists are playing Ein Klien Nachtmuzik. you get the idea. adhd people have a wonderful brain that they dont know how to fully control, so they are very smart but may not seem like it from the outside. around 5-10% of people have adhd, so you might have it! this wonderful gift is a blessing and a curse. use it as best you can.
adhd is the fucking best btw im supposed to be doing english hw rn...
by Psuedonym19 January 10, 2023
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