2 definitions by ProfessorofMLG

A sarcastic phrase used after someone messes up. This phrased is used for added frustration to the victim and should be said slowly to add to the sarcasm.
Bully is about to win the championship for baseball but the ball slips out of his hands and he loses the game. He is expressing exstreme amounts of anger when you walk up to him and say, " That must be frustrating"
by ProfessorofMLG June 25, 2016
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The language used my MlG to communicate in there natural habitat.......Call of Duty. They use acronyms like m8 and m80 to talk to each other and often misspell words like suck fagit and bitch.
Mlg language :MLG 1: get rkt bra I'm fck done m8 I'm will rk u fgt.
MLG 2: wel guess what m80 I'm in illuminati btch so sux me cock
by ProfessorofMLG May 6, 2015
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