2 definitions by Probablynothitler

The act of inserting a straw into your penis, and blowing air into it, which makes a queef-like sound when “exhaled.”
Damn bro last night me and Shawn had a peefing competition, and his was waaay louder than mine.
by Probablynothitler December 31, 2019
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Phrase used when an unbelievable, absolute bullshit story is posted online, usually pushing a racial/political message.
"Omg I'm so humbled right now. A young lady just walked up to the counter and ordered two Big Macs, and the cashier laughed and said, "Are you sure you can eat all that? Hahaha." My two-week-old child then walked to the counter, stood up, and proceeded to tell the cashier that what he said was exist and he is the reason that Donald Trump is tearing America apart. Then the whole restaurant stood up and clapped."

"Well that just happened."
by Probablynothitler August 10, 2017
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