19 definitions by Pannwinner1

A highly disturbing image on the internet that features an overweight woman inside of a tub spewing out "orange juice" from her anus. Not only that, her mouth is open, which makes her swallow the "orange juice". This image can be found everywhere on the internet just by searching up "tubgirl". Search it up at your own risk!
Guy 1: Oh my god, did you see that image I was talking about earlier?
Guy 2: Yeah, it looked disgusting and disturbing.
Guy 3: Who?
Guy 1: Tubgirl.
Guy 3: You mean that woman who has orange diarrhea?
Guy 1: Yeah, her name is tubgirl.
by Pannwinner1 April 28, 2023
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Short for a word or a phrase.
JK: Just Kidding or Joking
LOL: Laugh/Laughing Out Loud
BC: Because
IK: I Know
CYA: See You
TTYL: Talk To You Later
OMG: Oh My God/Gosh
ONG: On God
OTL: Over The Line
IKR: I Know Right
FR: For Real
Y: Why
YOLO: You Only Live Once
BF: Boyfriend
GF: Girlfriend
HJ: Half Joking
BB: Baby
WYD: What You Doing
BFF: Best Friend/Friends Forever
K: Ok
GG: Good Game
EZ: Easy
1V1: One Versus One
GLHF: Good Luck Have Fun
TMRW: Tomorrow
ROFL: Rolling On Floor Laughing
LMAO: Laughing My A— Off
W: Winner
L: Loser
LH: Lightheaded
NM: Not Mad
LU: Little Upset
FY: For You
FYP: For You Page
HAGD: Have A Good Day
GN: Good Night
LY: Love You
ILY: I Love You

And much more!
Abbreviations can make it easier to say certain words and phrases if you’re too lazy to type out the entire thing.
by Pannwinner1 August 7, 2023
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Like a tissue, but for your butthole..
You use it to wipe out excess shit...
(AKA toilet paper)
Wife: Honey, did we run out of anal tissue again?
Husband: Yeah, I'm gonna buy some at the local store.
by Pannwinner1 May 26, 2023
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1. To buy something for someone many of what they want, or to surprise someone or many of something they would want. (often for young kids)
2. To tell the later part of a story, show, etc.
1. My mother spoiled my youngest sibling with so much candy and toys!
2. Great... some random kid in my school thought it'd be a good idea to spoil a mystery book I was reading...
by Pannwinner1 May 29, 2023
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A brainless 6th grader that has nothing better to do other than bully complete strangers on the internet
All jokes aside, an anti-furry is a person who absolutely despises the furry community. They will bully a furry without getting to know them.
Furry: hi
Anti-furry: *calls the police*
Furry: ...
911: 911, what's your emergen-
Anti-furry: 911, this is an emergency. A furry is in front of me.
911: dawg, get to know them first *hangs up*
Anti-furry: Guess I gotta get the AK-47...
Furry: wth
by Pannwinner1 April 23, 2023
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An actual definition of one of the most iconic cuss words: bitch
Guy 1: Have you seen the new girl? She's such a female dog.
Guy 2: Yeah. I hate her. Why does she always wear mismatched shoes?
by Pannwinner1 May 4, 2023
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An angry owo face... It is forbidden in every country. Unless if you want to get banned from a server then don't say "ÒwÓ".
Random human: ÒwÓ
Everyone: I will end you
by Pannwinner1 February 24, 2023
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