9 definitions by Pamann

A gathering of people, generally men, who talk incessantly about sports, sports scores, players stats, upcoming draft picks, coaches fired and hired, blahblah blah. Just never ending, mind numbing sports discussions that seem to rehash the same damn info over and over. A gaggle of guys talking the talk with their dicks dragging the dirt.
June: Who are all those guys in the break room? They're there everytime I go get coffee?

Martha: Just a bunch of dicks in the dirt- you know the rangers lost last night so that's a 2 hour discussion for them.
by Pamann February 25, 2012
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Due to scheduling conflicts and belated responses, when gifts continue to be given in recognition of ones birthday over a lengthy period of time, sometimes as much as a month or more. A really great occurrence that stretches ones birthday perks out indefinitely.
Mike: hey, why did the boss buy your lunch today?

Sue: For my birthday.

Mike: I thought your birthday was last week?

Sue: it was, but it's my birthday month.
by Pamann April 3, 2011
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A person, usually a coworker, who continually brings homemade baked goods to share as a gesture of supposed kindness. In reality it is not a selfless act at all but an excuse to:
1) show off their culinary skills and garner praise
2) tempt coworkers who are attempting weight loss
3) remove said baked goods from their own home environment thus removing temptation of singular consumption in it's entirety
Brent: Man, you are so lucky to work with Pam! She brings homemade cookies almost everyday!
Todd: Not really- she's only doing it to save herself from eating them all; and she knows I'm trying to lose weight. She's a baking fool.
by Pamann December 14, 2011
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a sock, usually knee high or similar, worn by an extremely tubby person, causing the the flesh to bulge over the top of the sock similar to breakfast muffin overflow.

Similar to a muffin top but occurring whenever sock constricts flesh and causes bulging overflow.
Rick: did you see that roller derby chick?

Dale: with the knee high socks..?

Rick: yeah, girl should rethink her sock choice...serious muffin sock! Gross!
by Pamann April 17, 2011
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A polite way of referring to a man's sexual region.
His shorts are way too small- I can see his man garden when he sits down!
by Pamann December 11, 2010
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Overkill. Excessive shiz. Way way way too much. Ridiculously overdone.
example 1
Me: Hey check out Jenny's new shirt! Looks like she went a little deep end with the bedazzler.
You: Yeah, too much goo ga.

example 2
I hate Rocky Road ice cream. Too much goo ga.
by Pamann November 2, 2010
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In reference to the shoddy job most road construction crews do.
A job that to the visible eye seems complete but is actually done half assed and sloppily.

To rush through a job or project in order to be done with it, cutting corners so as not to be detected by outsiders.
I don't really have time to make apple pie to bring to Thanksgiving Dinner so I'm taking it on the road and getting one from the corner bakery and I'll say it's mine.
by Pamann October 28, 2010
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