6 definitions by Oscar_the_Muse

It was all a plot to piss of germany, i think. Bastards

Mr. Jones held a balloon of hydrogen and oxygen over a bunsen burner in chem class. That's why his eyebrows are like that.
by Oscar_the_Muse April 18, 2004
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Short for "I don't know" used a lot on AIM by Pooners with nothing better to say
Me:hey, do you remember what our homework for tonight was?
Pooner:iono lol
Me:do you have any idea what i just said?
Pooner:haha fo sho i do homie lol
Me:Why don't you have a life?
Pooner:iono lol O_o
Me:i'm going to burn down your house.
Pooner:fo sho lol

*the next day*

Me:what's up, pooner?
Pooner:homie my house is on fir3 lol
Me:why don't you call 911?
Pooner:iono lol wats that lol
Me:i'm not telling. burn.
by Oscar_the_Muse January 29, 2004
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that would be me
I am Oscar_the_Muse, and you aren't.
by Oscar_the_Muse March 14, 2004
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This is my word...i use it to describe people who think they're cool just because they know a lot about computers and electronics, and make fun of/act superior to those who don't have the same knowledge.
Who cares if they're gonna grow up to get paid more than us? It's still mean.

Mike is a technotwat!
by Oscar_the_Muse April 2, 2004
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Experience or know-how relating to intercourse or other sexual acts. It has to be real-world experience; you can't get it from watching porno or reading erotica.
Jasmine dumped me cuz i had no sexperience

Some girls think older guys are sexperienced.
by Oscar_the_Muse January 2, 2004
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