7 definitions by Norristonian

resting one's testicles in another's eyesockets while receiving upside-down oral sex.
He did a Trojan War Helmet on her.
by Norristonian April 19, 2004
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scientific name: barnabus j. sinclaire

a rat/cat/beaver/dog animal who must drink gasoline, get hit by a car, raped, and thrown in a lake, every day, just to survive. It is very rare and lives only in Norristown, Pennsylvania. Nobody knows what the j. stands for.
The barnabus can be easily identified by its distinctive mating call, "BARNA-BARNA-BARNABUS!!!"
by Norristonian April 19, 2004
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oral sex involving pushing the giver's head into the receiver's pelvis so hard as to injure the face of the giver.
I monster-faced your mother so bad last night, she lost most of her teeth.
by Norristonian April 19, 2004
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past tense of "swoe."
to swoe is to punk, own, pwn, or otherwise beat or show up a person.
did you see the fight in the cafeteria? mike got swoed!
by Norristonian April 29, 2004
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to swoe, own, pwn, punk, beat, or show up a person
did you see the fight in the cafeteria? mike got deebo'd!
by Norristonian April 29, 2004
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a game played with three to five persons standing in a circle, using whatever sports equipment they can find. the objective is to keep a ball in the air for as long as possible.
coonball is a hella gangsta sport to play, yo.
by Norristonian April 19, 2004
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