3 definitions by NightHawk23

When playing Call Of Duty, and a player gets a tripple kill (3 consecutive kills in one bullet spray or single bullet) this is referred to as a Nipple Spray.
Man1: I just turned the corner and there was 3 enemies just standing there, I got a tasty nipple spray!
Man2: That's madness...
by NightHawk23 December 18, 2011
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The act of saying hello to one of your boys, in a douchey and frat boy type of way. Credit given to internet sensation Dom Mazzetti.
Andrew: "Yo! Waddup boosh? Hittin' the gym later?"

Pat: "Oh hell yeah bro, gotta swell out today"
by NightHawk23 January 14, 2014
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Some one who is female but is very aggressive and could be referred to as a 'tank' or 'brute' usually used to describe tough women or lesbians

Can also be used to describe ugly women, possibly old. Usually used as a derogatory term.
Example 1
Man 1: "Man, Anne Robinson sure is scary"
Man 2: "Yeah, she's one hell of a Vagina Rhino!"

Example 2
Man 1: "Do you like Susan Boyle?"
Man 2: "Hell no, she's a vagina rhino!"
by NightHawk23 November 30, 2011
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