5 definitions by Musemaster™

Tyrannights has enjoyed being the 'Rebound RPG' of the Talkcity/Delphiforums networks for years. Nobody would ever want to play there, but would resign themselves to it when their favorite games got closed down (usually as a result of the Tyrant Trio of Tyrannights). Players would die a little bit on the inside *every day* after years of being conditioned to settle for less and expect less than what they deserved in terms of a roleplaying experience.

To this day, Tyrannights is still run with the same 'ideals' that reigned supreme previously, it's latest incarnation "Tyrannight: Port of Damnation" having multiple documented instance of discrimination and ethnically-charged bias.
Tyrannights was a long-standing game back when most of us were just children.
by Musemaster™ November 2, 2012
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Years after the 'Gods' destroyed the land in the wake of their greed and selfish malice, little was left standing. The select few who hadn't been banished or slain in the defense of their families were again forced into slavery by the son of Dawnstar. The people entered a sad psychological state, where their undying loyalty to the land and soil of Tyran forced them into delusion states that told them they were happy being slaves of the Baracutis Clan.

There were those who tried to resist these changes, but just as the Tyrant 'Mother' crushed those under her heel who purportedly 'opposed' her rule, so her son continued to do in her absence. In their eyes, slaves who cried out lost their value. They were only useful so long as they followed blindly and didn't ask questions.

But there's rumor in town that, in the absence of two of the Tyrant Trio, members of The Resistance have begun returning to their homeland, having set up a Headquarters in an uncharted corner of town, recruiting members and making plans to make Tyran once more a land of it's people.

Their leader, a man whose name is the thing of nighttime stories to frighten children into good behavior (thanks to the stigma applied by the Tyrant Trio), has begun sending his men out to free some of the slaves and bring them back to Resistance HQ.
"Ooh, did you hear? He's back! And there's even rumor of him leading The Resistance, just like he did before his banishment by the Tyrant Trio!"

"That's Tyrannights for you. Even in darkest night, a glimmer of hope still remains!"
by Musemaster™ November 20, 2012
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A game on BYOND that revolves around getting banned. Every player creates a character, builds up their stats and storyline, then gets banned permanently from the game.

A ripped game run by Chance Adamson, founder of the Ban Games franchise.
Ban Games. Where you might as well not play, because you're sure to be banned.

Eternia Roleplay is a great game for people who like being banned, staying banned, and watching the same happen to all their friends!
by Musemaster™ December 8, 2012
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A term coined by social reformists to refer to the ignorant shaming, insulting, badmouthing and obscene remarks aimed at individuals possessing one of three of the standard body types (their being Mesomorphic, Endomorphic and Ectomorphic, namely body types that either specialize in creating and storing fat cells, creating and storing muscle cells, or a rapid metabolism that specializes in providing energy to the body by consuming resources that normally produce muscle and fat cells). Endomorphs. Endomorphs have a soft round body build and a high proportion of fat tissue, a trait passed on by cultures residing in cold climates, who relied upon the stored fat for survival. In the modern culture, inspired by a false image of the “perfect human body” in popular media, the need for fat storage in warmer climates (inhabitants of which having more Endomorphic or Ectomorphic body types) isn’t as necessary. As humans tend to feel a strong need to put down others to make themselves feel better, they have developed ways to shame individuals with a higher than average fat content (just like those who’re a different height, color, or culture) by insulting them for their differences.

Bobby: “Seriously? Are you fat shaming because I aced the Midterms, and you flunked out? Just stop.”


Example Two

Sarah: “Hey, could I have a small strawberry ice cream, please?

Skinny Tara (*two enormous fistfuls of icecream in hand*): “DUMB FATTY! DRINK A SLIMFAST INSTEAD!
by Musemaster™ March 9, 2015
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Eternia Prologue

Eternia Prologue

A game on BYOND that revolves around getting banned. Every player creates a character, builds up their stats and storyline, then gets banned permanently from the game.

A ripped game run by Chance Adamson, founder of the Ban Games franchise.
Ban Games. Where you might as well not play, because you're sure to be banned.

Eternia Prologue is a great game for people who like being banned, staying banned, and watching the same happen to all their friends!
by Musemaster™ December 8, 2012
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