29 definitions by Morbidia

The teeny-bopper's Nickelodeon version of the MTV Music Awards. Usually the artists featured on the show feel degrated as soon as they walk on stage, so they nervously remind all the little children in the crowd to floss their teeth.
"Yo I'm gonna floss my teeth because Nelly told me to on Kid's Choice Awards!"
by Morbidia May 30, 2005
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A term used generally in the late 60s/early 70s for the hippy bus some kids owned to go get high in, especially during school.
"Hey Wally, wanna take a ride on my Magic Bus during lunch break? It's stuffed!"
by Morbidia May 29, 2005
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Basically God. He was the lead singer of Bauhaus and he still rules. I saw him on May 22nd at the Roseland Theatre in Portland, OR and I was in one of the very front rows.
Peter Murphy currently has white, balding hair that he spikes up rooster-style and sports a kickass trench coat.
by Morbidia May 30, 2005
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What a bunch of shit-eating teenagers post in their equally annoying MySpace blogs and LiveJournal entries. No one ever reads them because no one cares what toothpaste their friends use, but they love filling them out themselves because they think they're hot shit.
"Dude check out that 1000-question survey on my LiveJournal!"

"No thanks, I think I'll study for that big History test instead. Get a life."
by Morbidia May 30, 2005
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Pictures found under the definition of "love" in Urban Dictionary. Usually they're of disgusting couples making out, and in a few months from now they'll be broken up and wondering why they EVER posted those butt-ugly photos on UD.
Gross, I did NOT want to see that acne-faced couple making out. I think I'd rather eat my own vomit.
by Morbidia May 30, 2005
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An old game that involves eating an animal cracker (sometimes the frosted kind) off of any part of another person's unclothed body. Usually played in a small group, but I doubt anyone plays this game anymore. It was basically a cheap way at getting intimate with other people.
1. Sheryl and John played the animal cracker game after school... I guess they can't afford canned whipped cream.

2. Jessica was in a group that played the animal cracker game Saturday night, what a whore!
by Morbidia May 29, 2005
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A website a bunch of your friends begged you to join, so you joined it and became completely addicted. However, after about a month or so, you finally realized that even though you had thousands of friends added, you're still a loser. You tried to take pictures of your half-nude self with the camera at a shitty angle so you could get more comments, but it just wasn't working. Even after you edited out your acne and moles, you still weren't being satisfied with the attention you craved.

You eventually deleted your account because you decided you want to graduate high school with some dignity.
Some annoying freshman left a comment in my blog telling me about how her high school drop-out friend was way cooler than I'll ever be. Laughing, I deleted my MySpace account. The next day, a friend asked me why I deleted the account, and low and behold, the shit-eating freshman was standing right next to her and looking at me as if she was worthy of an answer as well.

Do yourself a favor. Delete your MySpace.
by Morbidia May 30, 2005
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