1 definition by MisterNewYorker

A person from the island of Sicily, or a person whose ancestors came from Sicily. Although the Italian language became the official language of Sicily, Sicilians still speak Sicilian (Sicilianu, not Siciliano) amongst their friends and families.

Sicily is famous for its folk music, food, culture, crime, dark features, and sexy women (and we guys are lady magnets too).

Sicily has been colonized by many different peoples over the past 5000 years. Both white and black, as well as Arab, Greek, French, and Spanish have took over the island. Sicilians are generally dark skinned and have dark features because the dark genes seem to always take over the light genes.

Some of us Sicilians are offended when people say they have negro genes, but I'm ok with that. Proof that we have negro genes is that Sicily has a high rate of sickle cell disease. Sickle cell disease only affects blacks or people with black ancestors. If you look at a sickle cell disease distribution map, the only places where sickle cell is present is Africa, USA, parts of the Middle East, Brazil, some Caribbean islands, and Sicily (and some of south Italy).
Sicilian folk song (that young Vito Corleone sings on Ellis Island):

Avia nu sciacarreddu
Ma veru sapuritu
A mia mi l'amazzari
Poveru sceccu miu.
by MisterNewYorker June 22, 2011
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