2 definitions by Mislav383

The best show ever broadcasted on Nickelodeon.
The show is often thought to be anime,because the art style,even though the art style is Korean.The show's story style is a mixture of asian cultres,mostly Chinese.
Basically,the story is about a world where people can "bend" the 4 elements which separates the land in 4 nations:
-Water Tribes
-Air Temples
-Earth Kingdom
-Fire Nation
They were all living together in harmony.
However,everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked.
Only the Avatar,who can bend all 4 elements could have defeated the Fire Nation.But when the world needed him most,he vanished.
Hundred years have passed since.
Two 14 year old brother and sister,Sokka and Katara,have found a massive iceberg,which creates a giant ray of light,when Katara cracks it open.(The light signals Zuko,a Fire Nation warrior who is in a search to find the Avatar.)
Inside they find a boy with a flying bison.The boy turns out to be an airbender.
After the three returns to the South Water Tribe,Katara and Aang go penguin-sleding,stumbling into a Fire Navy ship.
Upon going into the ship Aang realizes he has been frozen in the iceberg for 100 years (the entire war)Later Aang aciddentally activates a booby trap,which signals Zuko.Later,Zuko comes to the South Water Tribe and asks Aang if he is the avatar.Since there is no other airbenders,the question is obviously yes.
Katara,Sokka and Aang's flying bison Appa manage to heelp Aang escape.
The rest of the show is about Katara and Sokka helping Aang to master all four elements to defeat the firelord.A lot of awesome characters are met,and some are added to the group.

TL;DR : The show is THE shit.It's one of the rare things that you can watch on Nick without getting a headache.It's totally worth watching and has a perfect storyline and a great mix between Romance,Action and Comedy.

Sadly it got ruined by a 2010 movie adaptation which includes horrible actors,horrible (the actors don't even match the characters)acting,whitewashing(the Fire Nation,who were the whitest in the movie,are indian,while Sokka and Katara ,who are a bit brown,are completely white).Also they missed an enormous ammount of Key-episodes,which are important to the later episodes (The sequel thankfully isn't going to be produced).Did I mention the production budget was 150 million dollars ,which is only 50 million less than Cameron's TITANIC!!!!!

"Water. Earth. Fire. Air. Long ago, the four nations lived together in harmony. Then, everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked. Only the Avatar, master of all four elements, could stop them, but when the world needed him most, he vanished. A hundred years passed and my brother and I discovered the new Avatar, an airbender named Aang. And although his airbending skills are great, he has a lot to learn before he's ready to save anyone. But I believe Aang can save the world."
-Katara,Avatar : The Last Airbender Opening sequence
by Mislav383 October 5, 2013
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An act where a guy surprisingly jumps on a person who is sitting,then he humps the person's head with his crotch.
Man I got mentalraped by Ivan!
by Mislav383 June 4, 2013
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