2 definitions by Micano

The famous B-actor, with only one expression. His movies often include explosions, 1vs1 fights, and girls who like him. Yes, a bit like Chuck Norris, although the 1vs1 fights often look like little 10 year old girls fighting over the last piece of chewing gum. The repeating slow-motion effects of Steven's instantly killing hits makes the experience even more rejoice able, as his face changes expression for almost two seconds.
Rent the movie "Attack Force", and everything will become much clearer. Although, I want you to know that the movie is even worse than the original Narnia movie. The Steven Segal movies are the best of the B-actors history.
by Micano October 4, 2007
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One of the most powerful men who has even been alive. He does not kill people, either does he smoke, which is a technique to show hidden messages about non-using of violence, smoking, and other stuff that MacGyver rejects doing. Also, since he is not using weapons, his enemies always gets incapacitated a lot longer when he hits them in the neck, but actually he hits on the shoulder, with an attempt to add some effects, making it look like it was on the neck, but it really wasn't.

If you watch MacGyver, you will early realize that he has a girl in every town, and is impossible to kill, even though he never uses weapons. Also, there is often a 8-12 year old child, that later becomes saved by MacGyver. And the episodes always depends on the tricks, that is used by MacGyver.

The graphics and animations, are what I call: Chuck Norris material. On other words, poor and old school. Even though the few explosions of MacGyvers home made bombs (which he create in 2 seconds) are pretty bad animated, it makes you feel good. I recommend you guys to have a MacGyver night, and watch MacGyver all night. You will thank me...

I know that
In the episode "To be a man", in season 1, he makes some kind of mustard rocket, that flies on an Soviet soldier's stomach, making the soldier fly 5 meters out through the door, and somehow pointing the gun to himself, and pressing it. He instantly gets killed, by wearing a weapon - with other words, he killed himself. This is a typical MacGyver action, showing that weapons are bad.
by Micano October 4, 2007
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