1 definition by Meredith A.

The religion of stonerism; the belief that marijuana cures most physical ailments, the belief that the world would be a better place if everyone freely smoked weed; Stoners often believe marijuana is safter and a better high than alcohol.
practices include: smoking pot daily, frequently smoking out friends, occasionally smoking out strangers, wake-and-bake, temporarily doubting the wonders of weed before a sesh, moderate to obsessive praise of weed while or soon after getting high, the dillema between packing another bowl and getting up to ash the piece.
Non-smoking practices (edibles or a vaporizer) are usually combined with smoking practices in Stonerism unless a temporary physical ailment makes it impossible or hazardous to participate in the act of smoking.

See: Stoner- a person practicing Stonerism
Special Abilities of Stoners:
good functionality under the influence of marijuana, fluid thinking, the ability to understand concepts by a leap of logic or mild hallucinations, the rare/occasional and surprising ability to word a sentence elloquently while stoned.
Approximately 2% of the population practice Stonerism, almost the same percentage of the gay population (2.5-3%).
by Meredith A. February 2, 2010
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