12 definitions by Mattaldinho

A term coined by UK Grime artist; JME, meaning a phone call that you don't answer. Stems from the term 'rhetorical question' which is a question that doesn't require an answer, such as "Are you silly blad?".
When she phones me I can't be bothered to answer, might as well call it a rhetorical phone call
by Mattaldinho December 12, 2010
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A feeling that can come from laughing or the feeling when your having a lolgasm
"Whoah good one!"
"Yep, i'm getting a lolgasmic feeling, haha"
by Mattaldinho November 19, 2008
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Made famous by 'Del Boy' the main character from long running English sitcom 'Only Fools And Horses' Lovely Jubbly refers to good news or something good that has happened.

"Turkeys ready everyone"
"Lovely Jubbly"
by Mattaldinho May 19, 2008
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When something or someone is sponsored by an unhealthy product which is inappropriate or frowned upon to advertise.
You can't let Budweiser be your sponsor, it encourages people to drink alcohol, that's a prime example of lasdection
by Mattaldinho December 24, 2010
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Another word for stealing something. To gatch is to steal, a gatch is someone who steals a lot, like a robber.
1. "Blud I dare you gatch that mandem's bag"
2. "Allow that mandem, he's a gatch"
by Mattaldinho December 7, 2008
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THANK YOU! In the last 6 months everyone seems to be writing 'loosing'. THE WORD YOU ARE LOOKING FOR IS LOSING.
L-O-S-I-N-G. You are losing the match, you are losing your talent, you are losing your virginity! The second definition is wrong, you would say 'loosening'
Newspaper Executive: Cristiano, this is the last straw, 'loosing' is not a word! I'm firing you!

Cristiano Ronaldo: Oh, I didn't know I had to be able to spell to do this job, I guess i'm just an idiot! Haha
by Mattaldinho September 4, 2008
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Can be used like lol in response to something funny or can be used to describe a funny event/series of events.
"You guys remember the time when we masturbated while hangliding!"
"haha, yeah, that day was lolation"
by Mattaldinho November 19, 2008
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