11 definitions by Marco K.

Schoolwork that is assigned by teachers to be completed at home in your spare time. Homework was invented by some fucked up masochist sitting at a table one day deciding that students don't do enough work at school six hours a day, so why not send more schoolwork home even though you spend all day doing work?
I never do my math homework. It's so pointless. My teacher doesn't even check to see if I did it...
by Marco K. May 19, 2010
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Something that has been overdone to the point where it becomes lame, predictable and obsolete.
Stop it with the "your mom" insults. Those are cliche and haven't been offensive since the fucking 1980s.
by Marco K. May 29, 2010
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The only form of entertainment besides music that is actually fun and interesting anymore.
I hardly watch TV, but I LOVE video games. :)
by Marco K. May 18, 2010
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A white suburban person that thinks they're black. They are seen mimicking the mannerisms and clothing of a black ghetto kid. They do this because they think they look cool, when in reality, people view them as pathetic and wannabes, hence the term wigger(Wannabe Nigger). They talk in ghetto slang used by black ghetto kids and are uneducated. Their grammar is an english teacher's nightmare and they can't type properly.

They are one of the prime examples of white trash.
Wigger: "Y000 dAwGz WaTZ G000D EH?!!111ONE!!!111
Translation: Hi, how are you?

Wigger: AW H3LL NAWWWW M4N WAT THE SH11ZZLLEE??!!!!11111
Translation: What? That sucks.

Wigger: KBaI M3N PcE oUt H0MEDAWGZZZ~~~!!!!!!!!
Translation: Later guys.

Wigger: WaT the FAAKIN sHiZzZzZleZZZ M3N IMA cUt U 2NIT3!!! U NO BE MESIN ROUND WIT M3H!!!!!!111111ONE!!!111111 Y U GOIN UP IN MAH GR1LLL BOI????/
Translation: You are an idiot.
by Marco K. May 27, 2010
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The Jonas Brothers were once a popular boy band that was all the rage about two years ago. They were a trio of morons, or three brothers that probably took turns giving eachother blow jobs every night before bed. They would go on-stage and pose with Gibson guitars that they couldn't even play. I mean, why would you need to play them when you could just have a backing band do it for you? They sing like they're constipated, they write cliche cheesy lyrics that the tweenie-bop mongoloids just went batshit crazy for. However, like all shitty products of Disney, they fell and faded away about a year ago and will most likely never come back. That is a good thing.
Last year, I always hoped that the Jonas Brothers would crash into a telephone pole while they were in their car having butt sex. Now a year later, that wish has sort of come true...except they aren't dead. Damn!
by Marco K. June 2, 2010
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Justin Bieber is a shitty 16 year old pop musician from Canada. He is the next big thing amongst moronic 12 year old sluts all around the world. he is a talentless mongoloid that spews the same shit on the radio that's been playing for the last 10 fucking years. Of course, no shitty musician is complete without some high-pitched girly vocals, unoriginal computerized music, cliche love-struck lyrics and a wannabe hardcore attitude. Justin Bieber of course possesses all those "qualities" in his music...if there is any quality in it to begin with. To quote the Angry Video Game Nerd: "If your ears could puke, they would."
Justin Bieber is the one guy that makes me ashamed to be Canadian.
by Marco K. May 29, 2010
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Justin Bieber is a shitty 16 year old pop musician from Canada. He is the next big thing amongst moronic 12 year old sluts all around the world. he is a talentless mongoloid that spews the same shit on the radio that's been playing for the last 10 fucking years. Of course, no shitty musician is complete without some high-pitched girly vocals, unoriginal computerized music, cliche love-struck lyrics and a wannabe hardcore attitude. Justin Bieber of course possesses all those "qualities" in his music...if there is any quality in it to begin with. To quote the Angry Video Game Nerd: "If your ears could puke, they would."
Justin Bieber is the one guy that makes me ashamed to be Canadian.
by Marco K. May 29, 2010
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